
Project maintained by Hackuarium Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Frequently asked question (FAQ)

Is the bioreactor rebooting ?

In case the lower priority process can not be reached during 8s, the bioreactor will restart automatically. This lower priority process is the one that takes care of blinking the led.

Using the command p you will get the uptime in milliseconds.

In the of reboot there is also an entry in the log.

What is the state of the bioreactor ?

The command t will give you a good overview about the current state of the bioreactor

Status: 519 - What is the current status

Enabled: 7 - What is currently enabled

Error: 0 - What are the current errors

What is a cycle ?

The bioreactor has 4 different phases :

Mode Heating Stepper Till when it last
Normal mode On On Last PARAM_FILLED_TIME minutes
Sedimentation mode Off Off Last PARAM_SEDIMENTATION_TIME minutes
Pumping out Off Off Last till PARAM_WEIGHT_MIN is reached
Pumping in On On Last till PARAM_WEIGHT_MAX is reached