
Project maintained by Hackuarium Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Starting a new bioreactor

When you have a new bioreactor you should start by configuring it. You may connect using a terminal through the serial port.

You may as well use the arduino application to directly connect to the bioreactor through serial. The menu is accessible using the h instruction but you should not forget to add a CR + LF after each instruction.

Initializing parameters

Connect via the terminal and reset all the parameters to the default parameters


It is also important to set a unique qualifier for the bioreactor. You should fill the list with a free code.

Setup the weight

There is now a special menu for the weight calibration w.

You should do the following step in order to callibrate the weight:

  1. Empty bioreactor : we
  2. Empty bioreactor + 1kg : wk
  3. Bioreactor filled at low level : wl
  4. Bioreactor filled at high level : wh

You may now check the reproducibility and the weight in g of any object using wt

It is important to note that an error (stored in PARAM_ERROR will be generated if the weight is either 20% under the minimal value or 20% over the maximal value and this should stop all the functions.

The main parameters

In order to activate the bioreactor you need to enable functions. Currently there are 3 functions

You may enable the functionnablities by setting the parameter AZ. To activate all the functionnalities enter AZ7.